The Aristologist is a journal taken by major public and academic libraries in New Zealand.
We welcome submissions from amateur and professional gastronomers on all aspects of food and eating - historical, philosophical, or topics of social relevance. Contributions could be an original research paper, an abstract of a paper, a reminiscence, photograph, an old manuscript, review of a book, an interesting culinary snippet, or simply an idea in gastronomy that is likely to generate interest or debate. We are particularly interested in preserving knowledge of food and foodways in New Zealand as well as Australia.
Contributions may have been previously published but must be free of copyright, or copyright should be owned by the author. There is no word limit to textual material but manuscripts will require peer review and possible editing prior to publication.
A summary of the Aristologist's referencing style is given here.
Submitted scans or photographs should be sent as separate jpeg files of at least 300 dpi resolution. Please do not send illustrations within Word documents. All illustrations are published in greyscale or black and white.
If you could contribute to the Aristologist please CONTACT us.